Share Portfolios
Beat the market and earn more rewards!
Last updated
Beat the market and earn more rewards!
Last updated
Kryptview allows its contributors to list up to three virtual portfolios on their public profiles. If a portfolio is maintained/updated every week and it outperforms the market, the portfolio creator earns Reward Points (RPs) that are in turn converted into KVTs.
Kryptview aims to list the top-performing portfolios across different periods: weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. The platform will also introduce a feature through which other community members can tip their top-performing portfolio creators, incentivizing them for their hard work on top of the $KVT rewards.
In order to share a portfolio, go to "My account" on the top-right corner of the Homepage, and then to "My portfolios".
Just click on the button "Add portfolio" in the center of the page.