Ranking System
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Kryptview relies on a ranking and experience system designed to distinguish and reward users who consistently commit to the community and the platform and contribute to the generation of quality dataβ.
Action performed on the platform yield Experience Points (XPs). Positive XPs are attributed for contributions of good quality (posting a scoring, having a scoring validated, agreeing with the community consensus while reviewing a scoring, sharing a performing portfolio...). Initiating the coverage of a token or updating a token scoring that had not been refreshed for a while will bring your extra points.
If contributions are of poor quality, negative XPs can be attributed (systematic disagreement with the community during reviewing, repeatedly having scorings rejected...)β. Repeated infringements to community rules can lead to an exclusion from the platform.
These experience points grant a rank to the contributor, and this rank is visible to the rest of the community members.
Additionally, as contributors climb the ranks, they improve their user journey and ability to earn rewards. For instance, posting scorings becomes faster as the validation requirements decrease with higher ranks. Experienced users also have a heavier weight in the scoring review process.
The member rankings are distributed across different tiers:
Bronze: 3 levels
Silver: 3 levels
Gold: 3 levels
Platinum: 3 levels
Master: 3 levels
Elite: : 1 level