🤓Score a token

The first step in Community Research is to score a token. Any contributor can analyze a token using Kryptview’s Scoring Wizard.

The Scoring Wizard is an interactive scoring form allowing users to conduct in-depth due diligence on any project. It encompasses the maximum fundamental aspects while limiting free text and subjective opinions.

How to score a token

It's easy! You can watch this short video or follow the instructions below:

Instructions: Start by searching for the token you would like to score in the top-right corner search bar:

Once you are on the token page, click on "Score this token":

You will then land on the Scoring Wizard, which is divided into six fundamental blocks:

  • Team & advisors

  • Project

  • Token

  • Traction & Community

  • Ecosystem & Competition

  • Sustainability

Select the blocks you would like to score. If you are initiating the coverage of a token, you will need to select all six blocks.

Now let the Scoring Wizard guide you! You will notice that some questions, sources and comments are mandatory, while others are optional.

Last updated